Queensland State Archives posted a photo:
On 11 September 1986, Cabinet considered the issue of providing a submission to the committee examining the Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 1986 (Commonwealth,) (Dec. 49744). While generally supportive of the extension of the power to State police forces enabling
them to intercept calls on drug related matters only, Bjelke-Petersen expressed concern of the mooted supervision by a Commonwealth Minister of a State Minister and was worried about the limitations upon the use which can be made of material gathered. He also raised the involvement of
Telecom employees in interception. In 1986 a report of the Joint Select Committee on Telecommunications Interception noted that 16 illegal interception devices had come to the attention of Telecom during 1985-86, seven of which had been located in Queensland.
Photo of the County Exchange Service, 1952
Queensland State Archives Image ID 4476