Queensland State Archives posted a photo:
Daily Standard
Wed 8 April 1914
Serious Accident at Stanthorpe
A serious accident befl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day just outside Stanthorpe on Saturday afternoon. Particulars of the accident show that Mr. and Mrs. Day who are aged 76 and 74 years respectively, were driving home from Stanthorpe to their home at Smoker’s Gully, a locality about three and a-half miles from the town, when one of the reins became entangled under the horse’s tail resultant upon which the occupants were thrown from the sulky. This is all the available information to hand respecting the accident.
The doctor and ambulance were requisitioned, and the injured aged couple were conveyed to the hospital at Stanthorpe. The doctor subsequently reported that Mr. Day had sustained three broken ribs, cuts on the head and legs, and bruises. One of the ribs was penetrating the lung. Mrs. Day received serious cuts