Experience a Unique Musical Event at the Masonic Memorial Centre

A unique musical event is taking place at the Masonic Memorial Centre in Brisbane City in aid of Headspace for Youth at Risk, a mental health charity.

Hosted by Queensland Freemasons, Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” will run on Sunday, 8th of May 2022, from 3:00 pm. to 6:00 p.m. It will feature soloist Robert Smith, who will be accompanied by the Sinfonia of Saint Andrew’s orchestra with twelve strings and a harpsichord for an auditory delight.

Photo Credit: VivaldiFourSeasons/EventBrite
Photo Credit: VivaldiFourSeasons/EventBrite

Vivaldi composed “Le Quattro Stagioni” around 1718 to 1720 when Vivaldi was the court chapel master in Mantua and was regarded as his best work. In modern times, Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” was cited as a Classic FM Hall of Famer. 

Photo Credit: VivaldiFourSeasons/EventBrite

Queensland Freemasons chose the Masonic Memorial Centre for this special event as an ode to the lodges that meet and share their endeavour to “promote the happiness of the Human race.” The iconic building is also where the signs, secrets and mysteries of Freemasonry are held and communicated.

Photo Credit: VivaldiFourSeasons/EventBrite

This charity event will benefit Headspace, which was started in 2006 to provide early intervention among 12 to 25-year-old individuals. In this stressful period, young people need support and reassurance that they can make life a fantastic adventure.  

A reception will follow after the musical event at the masonic meeting rooms. Champagne, drinks and canapés will be served as guests mingle with Lodge members.